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Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)

May contain: nature, outdoors, lake, water, wilderness, pond, land, and scenery

The Oregon Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) was established in 1998 in partnership between the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Services Agency (FSA) and the State of Oregon. 

Its purpose is to work with agricultural landowners to establish riparian vegetation along streams, protecting water quality, and restoring fish and wildlife habitat. In exchange for developing and preserving these resource values, the landowner receives annual rental payment along with other federal and non-federal incentives specific to each CREP agreement. The contracts are for 14-15 years, with the possibility for renewal. 

If you have a natural stream running through your property that has been impacted by years of livestock access, vegetation clearing or cropping close to the shoreline, and are interested in restoring riparian health, you may be a perfect candidate for this program. 

To get started: 

 Reach out to our CREP Planner with questions and interest

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